
BNS, September 22 (Fri) - 23 (Sat), 2023 SIGNIEL, Busan, Korea

Welcome Message

colleagues and friends
Yong-Sam Shin, MD, PhD
President, Bi-Neurovascular Symposium (BNS) Foundation
Professor, Department of Neurosurgery
Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for your invaluable contributions and active participation in last year's highly successful BNS Conference. Thanks to your dedication and enthusiasm, we were able to create a truly remarkable event that advanced our understanding of neurovascular treatment and promoted meaningful collaborations.

Building upon this momentum, it is my great honor to extend a warm welcome to the 7th BNS Conference, which will be held in Busan, Korea, from September 22nd to the 23rd. As an organization committed to the development of education, scientific knowledge, research, and clinical expertise of the highest quality, our objective remains steadfast. We strive to establish and uphold standards in the field of neurovascular disease.

Under this year’s theme, "Expanding Horizons: Embracing Limitless Possibilities" we seek to push the boundaries of our knowledge, encouraging physicians to embrace novel techniques while acknowledging the foundations that have proven effective.

This year, we have redesigned the conference format to further enhance your experience. The 7th BNS Conference will feature an increased emphasis on free-paper presentations and interactive discussions. By facilitating a dynamic exchange of ideas, we aim to promote collaboration and facilitate the sharing of innovative approaches.

With great confidence, I assure you that the 7th BNS Conference 2023 will offer you an enjoyable and invaluable experience. We look forward to welcoming you at the beautiful harbor city of Busan.

Sincere regards,

I am Chul-Hoon Chang, president of Korean Neuroendovascular Society(KoNES),

It is great honor for me to invite you the 7th BNS meeting.
Just like last year, 7th BNS meeting will be held in Busan, known for its beautiful seaside scenery and I am confident that this meeting, with the participation of distinguished scholars who specialize in microsurgical and endovascular treatments for cerebrovascular diseases from various countries, will be a meaningful event.

The BNS meeting, initiated by Professor Shin and his colleagues, has steadily grown in scale and attendance. In 2022, it was officially promoted as an international conference held in South Korea by the Korean Medical Association.

Through the BNS meeting, we will share our clinical experiences, acquire the up-to-date knowledges, and enhance relationship between each others.

I will make sure that we prepare diligently for this meeting and I hope to have the opportunity to meet you in Busan in September 2023.

Best regards,

Chul Hoon Chang, MD
President, Korean Neuroendovascular Society
Director/Professor, Department of Neurosurgery Yeungnam University in Korea
Director, Stroke Center in Yeungnam University Medical Center